January 11, 2017

Preparing For Disaster: Create A Plan To Minimize Loss Now

Business Disaster Plan MeetingPreparedness makes all the difference in an emergency. Business owners need to create a disaster plan for their company operations.

This is a long process and one you might decide to turn to a professional agency for. By taking steps now to create even a basic plan, you reduce the risk that your company will struggle in the event of a disaster. You may also reduce some business insurance claims.

Identify The Risks To Your Business

Weather, fire, theft and vandalism are common risks for businesses. In addition, your business may have exposure to significant worker illness. And riots and terrorism are also real threats.

Your first step is to identify the risks that could occur. Assign a team of employees to develop a risk list. Then, empower that team to create a plan for remaining safe.

Create Emergency Communications

In the event of weather outbreaks or another emergency, your team needs to know who to call:

  • Create a hierarchy within your company. Determine who makes the decision to close the business. Then, outline who should call employees to inform them.
  • Have an internal blog or website to communicate information with the team during shutdowns.
  • Create a cloud-based system or use phone systems to have employees check in as necessary.

Create an Emergency Preparedness Kit

Disaster supply kits are not just for home use. Your business needs a kit on hand to provide supplies to any employee or customer on your property when an emergency occurs.

You can use Ready.gov to help you create a customized kit for your needs. Store this kit where it is accessible.

Ensure Employees Have Basic First Aid Training

Several people on staff should have some level of first aid training. This helps ensure the company can handle medical emergencies effectively.

Host a safety training session where numerous employees get this type of training. OSHA’s Workplace First-Aid Program is an excellent place to start.

When An Emergency Occurs

The goal of emergency planning is to ensure people stay calm, know what to do, and how to communicate. You can work with your business insurance provider to create this plan. Re-train your team on the plan annually.

Your business insurance may help cover property and liability damage, but protecting the well-being of your employees is also a must. Mitchell Insurance Agency is proud to offer a variety of information about business insurance. Call us at (940) 586-1273 for a free Wichita Falls TX business insurance quote.

Tags: business insurance, coverage, disaster, insurance, Mitchell Insurance Agency, plan, preparation, tips

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